Wednesday, October 15, 2008

3 vents

Thursday, February 14, 2008

I have three things I need to vent about (again lol). So here we go

The first one is about this Northern Illinois University shooting. Once again the administration "alerted" students via a post on the university's website. Hello people! Students are not on the university site 24/7. Is it so hard to find a faster way of alterting a student body about danger? A simple and effective way would be to use sirens, just like a tornado warning. They can all be linked to a central location, and the horns located on various buildings, so that by a simple call and flick of a switch the entire campus is instantly notified of danger. Its cheap and every student can be easily educated as to what to do when the horns sound. Whats so complicated about that?

Next I have a beef to pick in Utah County, to be specific what happened today after snow forced the closure of S.R. 92 last night. Apparently through last night and today towing companies were told to tow all the abandoned vehicles on the stretch of road that was closed due to heavy snow so that it could be plowed. Well those who left their cars snowed in and where in turn towed, now have to PAY a towing fee to get their car back. WTF?! People were told they could not go back and get their car and now they are forced to pay money to get it back. Anyone else see and issue with this? What were these people supposed to do, stay in their cars all night? I have no problem with them towing the cars to be able to plow the road but dont turn around and force people to pay $200 to get it back.

Finally to the Republican members of the US House of Representatives. Today they staged a walk-out because the Democrats refuse to pass the wire-tapping bill with the immunity for the telecomms. How old are these people?? A walk-out does jack shit when Congress is in session. If you have issues with something you VOTE against it, not just walk out. Come on, a Jr High student knows better than that. Walking out doesnt stop a vote from taking place, it simply promises what you dont want passed WILL be passed because you arent there to vote AGAINST it. I have said how I feel about this bill before, but even if I supported it I still would be pissed about the Republicans just walking out.

Alright I'm done

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