Monday, August 31, 2009

Is NASA really full of the best and brightest?

So I am being to wonder if we really have the smartest people at NASA. For the ones who don’t know, the Space Shuttle will be decommissioned next year and “replaced” with the Ares Rockets. The Ares I will be used for crew launches and small payloads, and the Ares V will be for large payloads.

My question is why are they creating two whole new and separate rockets? During the 1960s and 1970s, the Saturn V Rocket did BOTH crew and payload launches. Why is NASA continuing with the Ares program when, with a few technological and other upgrades, they could use the Saturn V? Or why not scrape the Ares 1 and convert the Ares V to carry both crew and cargo? I have a hard time believing that using two separate rockets is more cost effective than the Space Shuttle.

I guess only time will tell with this but I hope that NASA has made the right choice for their sake because if they don’t find a way to be more cost effective I fear they will be the victim of a very big budget cutting axe.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Senator Edward Kennedy

With the passing of Senator Kennedy, politics and the Senate of the United States will never be the same.

Senator Kennedy was a staple of the Senate for four decades. For my entire life he has represented the state of Massachusetts and now that incredible career is over. He impacted the lives of so many and saved countless others with his push for health care reform.

The country has lost a great man and a great leader. Whoever is chosen to fill his Senate seat will have enormous shoes to fill, and I wish him/her luck.

Rest in peace Senator. You will be missed and your impact will never be forgotten.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Torture and the Deficit

Ok, DICK, enough is enough. This idea, that has somehow cemented itself into your tiny brain, that torture (or as he calls it “enhanced interrogation”) has made this country safer is absolute lunacy! The recent reports that have come out that you claim have “proved these techniques increase our security” have only made YOUR position more asinine. The “techniques” that were described (the ones not redacted) as being used on prisoners are in a word: disgusting! How in the hell do you justify such bull shit!? What you and your “friends” are too dense and pea-brained to understand is that torture DOES NOT make us safer! It in fact gives everyone out there who hates us, a perfect recruiting tool. Torture doesn’t make us safer you dumb ass, it makes us more of a target! You do realize don’t you, that if we are attacked again the line “it was the previous administration’s fault” slams itself squarely onto YOUR shoulders, and for once it won’t be a baseless statement! Oh but wait, that thought would be WAY too logical to make it even a nanometer into that thick skull of yours, much less make an impact on a pint sized brain. I think instead of fly-fishing for fish, you need to fly-fish your own head out of your ass. But surprisingly you aren’t the only one who has disgusted me this day.

Senator John McCain….how the hell can YOU of all people criticize the decision by the Justice Department and the President to investigate the CIA over these “tactics”? How can you possibly say that you strongly disagreed with the torture approved by the Bush Administration on one hand, and then turn around and call any investigation into it as a “witch hunt”? Are you telling me, Sir, that you would let torturers walk away scot-free? To think that I probably would have voted for you in 2000 if I had been old enough. I like to think that, John McCain would never have put politics ABOVE doing what is right. It would appear that I was grossly mistaken in that thought Senator. Moving on…

I also take issue with these people, such as James Carville, who feel that it is “terrible politics” for the President and Justice Department to investigate these allegations. Who gives a flying fuck if it is “good politics” or “bad politics”? Its not like the President made it a point to have his people dig around for dirt to legitimize an investigation into these torture allegations! The President said himself that he prefers to look forward and not back, but even he can’t deny that this needs to be investigated fully! This report was written in 2004, it wasn’t even written by the current administration! The President may not be thrilled about having to accept the need for the investigation but he seems to realize that, on this subject at least, it is the RIGHT thing to do. The very fact there was torture has already destroyed the prosecution of ANY of these “terror suspects” because anything gained by torture or coercion is INADMISSABLE in ANY court of law. Now I feel I must criticize the President, after praising him.

President Obama, I thought you were smarter than this. To continue the practice of rendition (which I concede was started under former President Clinton) is a gross misstep on your part. The investigation into torture is a step in the right direction, this however is a step back. The very idea of rendition is disturbing. Despite what these countries have said, we have no way to ensure that they won’t torture in these interrogations. Once we send these prisoners into the hands of other countries, we only have as much power there as they give us. Nothing stops them from saying “ok guys we’ll take it from here, now please wait outside.” We are in THEIR territory and if we want to stay there then we have to play by THEIR rules if we want them to continue interrogating our prisoners. Also, why was rendition created in the first place? If we have enough evidence to hold them for questioning, then surely we should have no reason to question them outside of U.S. jurisdiction. Why is it so much better to interrogate someone in a prison in Egypt than it is, on a U.S. military base near where the people we captured? This policy is wrong and has been so from the start and I am truly disappoint that the President has decided to continue it.

Today the CBO and White House, said that the deficit will be far higher than they had predicted. Now I can already guess that everyone is going to have a fit but not offer any solutions to the problem. Therefore, I have some options to offer,

1) Raise taxes. Everyone hates this option and says you can’t do it in this economy. Well, when no one wants to cut government programs because they are popular for one group or another, then what other option is there?

2) Eliminate most, if not all, tax breaks and deductions. This is not technically a tax raise, but it would increase the amount of tax revenue the government receives.

3) Cut services. Cut the budgets of the top 10 government agencies/departments by 30% and cut the remaining 13 by 20% (I just picked those percentages as an example, it could be more or less). This seems just as unlikely as raising taxes. People love their government programs (even the ones who protest our “socialist government”) and all elected officials know that to cut programs that their constituents like is political suicide.

4) Reduce or eliminate the high numbers of contractors hired by the government. I don’t understand why contractors are so popular, they are far more expensive than having civil service employees and I would say are a big reason why costs of government have gone up so much.

30% CUT
1 Department of Health and Human Services FY 2008 totaled $700 billion
2 Social Security Administration FY 2008 $694.6 billion - graph
3 Department of Defense FY 2008 funding (outlays) totaled $594.5 billion
4 Department of the Treasury FY 2008 totaled $519.1 billion
5 Department of Education FY 2008 $193.9 billion
6 Department of Agriculture FY 2008 $172.7 billion
7 Office of Personnel Management FY 2008 totaled $103.5 billion
8 Department of Veterans Affairs FY 2008 $97.0 billion
9 Department of Transportation FY 2008 $67.0 billion
10 Department of Homeland Security FY 2008 totaled $61.3 billion

20% CUT
11 Department of Labor FY 2008 totaled $59.2 billion
12 Department of Housing and Urban Development FY 2008 $52.3 billion
13 Department of Energy FY 2008 totaled $33.213 billion
14 Department of Justice FY 2008 totals $24.2 billion
15 National Aeronautics and Space Administration FY 2008 totaled $21.3 billion
16 General Services Administration FY 2008 $20.2 billion
17 Department of State FY 2008 $19 billion
18 Department of the Interior FY 2008 totaled $18.571 billion
19 United States Agency for International Development FY 2008 $13.9 billion
20 Department of Commerce FY 2008 is approximately $8.2 billion
21 Environmental Protection Agency FY 2008 totaled $7.472 billion
22 National Science Foundation FY 2008 $6.1 billion
23 Nuclear Regulatory Commission FY 2008 was $926.1 million
24 Small Business Administration FY 2008 totaled $528 million

What my Health Care Reform Bill would include

I know that I have been doing a lot of talking lately about health care, so I decided I would put forth my version of what this reform should look like. I acknowledge that most of these ideas are not my own, but they aren’t necessarily being considered together.

1) Allow for people to buy insurance across state lines. If it is cheaper in one state than it is in another, then people should be allowed to get the most bang for their buck.

2) Tort reform should be built off of what some states, such as Missouri, have already passed

3) Discrimination (monetary and coverage) due to age, health history, current (preexisting) conditions, etc should be banned.

4) The creation of health insurance coops should be encouraged. (I find this one and amusing compromise being considered because coops in their very nature “socialist”)

5) The government should be allowed to negotiate for cheaper drug prices and heavily utilize generic drugs whenever possible

6) Any company. doctor, hospital, etc that is caught defrauding ANY government program or agency, including Medicare and Medicaid, will lose ALL tax breaks and tax deductions for one year. A second offense will result in revocation for five years, a third for ten years, etc.

7) ANYONE making between $25,000 and $150,000 can apply to be covered by both Medicare A AND Medicare B (perhaps having to pay a premium between $25-$100 depending on income)

8) Anyone who makes less than $25,000 can apply for Medicaid

9) Anyone making over $150,000 are ineligible to apply

10) A dramatic increase in government support for preventative health care as well as healthy living

*numbers 7 and 8 would be the “public option”

Monday, August 24, 2009

A step in the right direction

It would appear that at last the Justice Department is FINALLY doing the job it should have been doing all along. Apparently the Justice Department is seriously looking at reopening investigations about prisoner abuse and torture. This is welcome news although it would have been nice to have come sooner.

The fact that this nation DID torture will remain a stain upon it for years to come, and one of the few steps to stop it from happening again is to prosecute those who did it. Now I know these people were doing what they thought was best for the country but I feel that every last one of them should be punished. From the highest office, down to the lowest ranked person. The excuse "I was only following orders" does not and should not help anyone in these cases. I understand that when an order is given you are expected to carry it out, however, it is also expected that if you KNOW an order is illegal and immoral that you DON'T carry it out. In a normal court case, if a person knows of a crime but allows it to continue and/or helps commit it, then those people are just as guilty as the criminal.

Once again we have to show the world that we mean what we say! If we tell countries its inhumane and immoral to torture, then we have to hold ourselves to the same standard. Investigate and prosecute everyone who was involved, both in planning and execution. I sincerely hope that the Attorney General agrees and that the fullest extent of the law is brought to bear upon ALL of those responsible!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A rare two blog day..

As if the aura of deception and lies around former President Bush’s Administration wasn’t bad enough already, Tom Ridge comes out with a book.

Supposedly as Director of Homeland Security, he was heavily leaned on to raise the “terror alert level” just before the 2004 Presidential election. This, I feel, merely throws gasoline onto the already blazing fire of illegality that seemed to have plagued the Bush Administration. Not only have we learned that intelligence was “padded” or faked to create a link between Sadam Hussein and Al Qaida, but that government agencies were told to do certain things for ONLY political purposes.

Now Ridge does say that the Department of Homeland Security did not raise the level on this occasion despite the pressure but to me that doesn’t make this any better. In fact it makes me wonder how many times they DID raise it for simply political reasons. That entire election was centered around the idea that if a Democrat got elected to the White House, that the country would be in mortal peril from day one. If there were other times before the election when they were told to raise the threat level and did raise it, they could have very well swung that election.

To be fair, I do thank Tom Ridge, Scott McClellan, and Colin Powell for coming out and saying what they have said about the Bush Administration, however, I also question them. These three all seem to be reasonable, honorable, and righteous men. That being said, I have to wonder why they did not go public about such things while they were IN OFFICE! They were all in positions of power from which they could have drastically altered events. I know that you have to be loyal, especially in politics, to the people have put you into your positions but I also know that at some point you have to say enough is enough. By coming out after the fact, they seem to be saying “yeah there was bad shit going down but my career at the time was more important.” Sure, its easy to fight behind closed doors, but wouldn’t the right thing have been to take it out into the open when the closed door approach wasn’t working? I understand that some disagreements need to stay behind closed doors, but when lies are being weaved the way they were, then you have the RESPONSIBILITY to act! In the business world and in the justice system, anyone who knows wrongs are being, or are going to be, committed but who fail to stop them are often prosecuted along with the actual perpetrators. I admit that standing up to your bosses is not an easy thing, but who ever said that the RIGHT thing was the EASIEST thing.

What were they thinking?!

You know, just when I thought I couldn’t get more disgusted and more concerned about Blackwater and the government, it gets worse.

This story really pisses me off. WHAT THE HELL WERE OUR LEADERS THINKING! What dumb ass goes to a private company and says “Hey can you help us assassinate some of them there terrorists?” I mean seriously what the hell!? I’ve said it before and I will say it again, THIS COMPANY AND ALL THE ONES LIKE IT NEED TO BE TERMINATED! I am not comfortable AT ALL with the idea of a heavily and well armed militia getting government contracts! Hell these guys are probably better armed and have more personnel than some countries have for their armies!

This is another major story and I hope that it paves the way to the elimination of companies like Blackwater. By the way, I hope you all remember the debate a few months ago about the CIA and whether or not it ever deceived Congress:

“Panetta then informed the congressional intelligence committees about the program for the first time the next day.”

Hmmm……now I’m just going to hazard a guess here but if Congress was in the dark about these contracts, then wouldn’t that be the CIA lying to them? If I were the chairman on any of the intelligence committees, I would be demanding a FULL investigation. If the CIA has blatantly lied to Congress about this, then what other skeletons are buried in their closet? Let the “I do no recall that” bull shit begin…

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Three things for this day

Ok so this blog is going to jump around because its on three different subjects.

First off, this “trend” of people carrying their firearms to protest President Obama is asinine and frankly down right dangerous! When you have people comparing him to Hitler, calling him “racist”, “socialist”, etc (all of which are in themselves fucked up) at these protests the last thing you want people to have is a LOADED GUN! One guy in Phoenix, where the President was speaking to the VFW National Convention, had a AR-15 (the civilian version of the military’s M-16 Assault Rifle) slung over his shoulder! Seriously, what the hell?! I’m not saying the people with the guns are planning something, but by simply having them near the President, these (I’m sure law-abiding citizens) are creating a huge opportunity for people who AREN’T law-abiding. Do these people not understand that if their weapon was stolen and then used to attack the President, that they would be as guilty of attempted assassination, or assassination, as the person who pulled the trigger? I have no issue with the second amendment but come on people, use your god damn common sense!,8599,1916656,00.html

Secondly, Republicans, and Democrats, need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop this “death panel” nonsense! All of these Senators and Congressmen know what is and is not in the bill, and yet they refuse to flat our say it! It is NO WHERE in the health care bill being discussed, and the only thing that was remotely close was “end of life counseling” which ended up being taken out because of the “death panel” bull shit. By refusing to clearly state this, these people continue to feed this rumor mill that is hurting the debate more than it is helping! To be clear, end of life counseling has nothing to do with killing people! It is simply a plan that you and your doctor talk about, and change whenever the patient wants, that spells out the kind of care you want to receive if/when you can no longer make the decision yourself. It has NOTHING to do with the government telling you what care you can and cannot receive! A “do not resuscitate” order, is an example of what would be part of, and is considered, end of life care. You are telling your loved ones and doctors that in the event your heart stops and/or you stop breathing, to not perform CPR. End of life counseling will HELP families! If a person has laid out all of the care they want to receive before they become incapacitated, it takes A LOT of pressure off of that person’s family It takes away, or at least reduces, the guilt the family could feel for decisions they have to make. What if their loved one didn’t want to be resuscitated, but since there was no documentation the family decided to have that person resuscitated. The family may feel guilty for doing it, and the patient could be upset at them for not honoring his/her wishes. End of life counseling makes tough decisions a little easier, and reduces costs of medical care that wasn’t necessarily wanted by the patient.

The last thing involves the unwillingness of this state it change its liquor laws. This “quota system” for liquor licenses needs to be scraped! It hurts this state’s economic growth by limiting the number of bars and restaurants that can serve alcohol. Now this may not seem like a big deal for people who don’t drink BUT I would bet that some businesses won’t even attempt to come to Utah because of all the hoops they have to jump through to serve alcohol. This system has obviously outlasted its usefulness, and in this time of economic recession this state needs to make itself as enticing as possible. If people are going to drink and drive, the number of places they can drink won’t make one damn bit of difference. The responsibility of reducing drunk drivers rests with the drivers themselves and the places that serve them. End of story! You can have a drunk driving problem, even if you just have one place that serves alcohol, if that establishment refuses to monitor how much a person drinks.

"Good night, and good luck"
-Edward R Murrow

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More on Health care

I have a few more points to add to my view on government health care.

First, all of this nonsense about the idea that the government will dictate what procedures a person will and won't be able to receive needs to end. Sure a woman won't be able to get her breasts enlarged to bigger than her head but explain how that is any different than currently private insurance policies. In fact I would bet that most people have policies that won't cover any cosmetic surgery unless it DIRECTLY affects a person's health. If this idea of government dictation is such a concern to people, then why aren't they out trying to destroy private insurance companies?

Also, for those of you who are so against government health care and yet vehemently pro-life, I urge you to think before you speak. By trying to repeal Roe v. Wade, make a constitutional amendment banning abortion, or pushing to allow the states to decide on it on their own is blatantly contrary to your argument. It is extremely hypocritical to argue AGAINST government health care and claim that it will give the government the power to dictate treatment on one hand, and then call for the government to restrict/eliminate a legitimate medical procedure on the other. That is nothing more than RESTRICTING and DICTATING what procedures a woman can or cannot have!

Yes the majority of Americans have health insurance. But what is the harm in sacrificing a little to help those who can't get insurance for various reasons? If this country is such a Christian country, as a lot of people constantly boast, then shouldn't it reason people should be doing unto others as they would have done unto them? How would you feel/react if you lost your job, as well as all of your benefits including health insurance, and then a week later you find yourself in ICU for an extended period (two weeks, a month, etc) but with no way to pay for it? What if it was not only your life but the lives of your family that hinged on choosing to buy food or pay for medical treatment to save your own life? Wouldn't you hope that people around you cared enough to help you out, regardless of whether they knew you personally or not?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blackwater in the news again...

Once again we find Blackwater (aka Xe) in the news and NOT in a good way. This reiterates my previous ranting about this company and its roll in our government.

Armed “security” contractors in active war zones are the WORST thing to have ever happened to this nation’s Defense and State Department. They basically answer to no one because, thanks to Former President Bush, they are in a type of limbo in terms of accountability. For example, they don’t have to obey Iraqi laws and they don’t have to answer to the U.S. military so they basically are free to do whatever the hell they want.

This company has enough firepower and manpower to get basically whatever they want and the worst part is that our government is continuing to help them. People are worried about terrorists overseas, and yet if this company wanted they could do far more damage and cause a lot more deaths than the 9/11 hijackers. I’m glad their biggest contracts were cancelled but its not enough. I hope that soon, President Obama will cancel the rest of their contracts.

This company is dangerous and unpredictable and I hope that whoever hears this court case slams the hammer down! These people need to be shut down permanently! If you think I’m over-reacting I again urge you to read the book Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill