Thursday, August 6, 2009

Blackwater in the news again...

Once again we find Blackwater (aka Xe) in the news and NOT in a good way. This reiterates my previous ranting about this company and its roll in our government.

Armed “security” contractors in active war zones are the WORST thing to have ever happened to this nation’s Defense and State Department. They basically answer to no one because, thanks to Former President Bush, they are in a type of limbo in terms of accountability. For example, they don’t have to obey Iraqi laws and they don’t have to answer to the U.S. military so they basically are free to do whatever the hell they want.

This company has enough firepower and manpower to get basically whatever they want and the worst part is that our government is continuing to help them. People are worried about terrorists overseas, and yet if this company wanted they could do far more damage and cause a lot more deaths than the 9/11 hijackers. I’m glad their biggest contracts were cancelled but its not enough. I hope that soon, President Obama will cancel the rest of their contracts.

This company is dangerous and unpredictable and I hope that whoever hears this court case slams the hammer down! These people need to be shut down permanently! If you think I’m over-reacting I again urge you to read the book Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill

1 comment:

  1. Even here in conservative SoCal, Blackwater is hated. Angry ranchers drove them out of a small backwater town not far from here not so long ago.

    And now the founder is up on murder charges. Couldn't happen to a nicer fellow.
