Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Healthcare Reform


So I wanted to throw in my two cents about the current healthcare debate.

First off, all of this argument that “socialized medicine will cause this country to go into the shitter” blah blah blah, is getting really annoying, redundant. and somewhat insulting. Canada, United Kingdom, France, etc ALL have government paid healthcare and yet they all seem to being doing just as well, if not better, than we are. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, the U.K., Canada, and France have a LONGER life expectancy than we do in the U.S. In fact, the ENTIRE European Union has a longer life expectancy than what we have. So government run healthcare will be the death of us all and yet people in the U.S. have SHORTER life-spans than people in countries that have it. Now….just to use a little logic on my part, shouldn’t those numbers be reversed if government healthcare is so shitty? Or am I missing something? Sure, countries with government healthcare pay higher tax rates. But are higher taxes really so much worse than paying $150+ PER MONTH for basically the rest of your life (or at least until a certain age at which conveniently you become eligible for *gasp* government paid healthcare)?

Also, if government paid healthcare is SOO bad then why is it we trust the government with the lives and HEALTHCARE of our troops (both active and honorably discharged/retired)? Government healthcare is shitty for everyone, but it’s the greatest thing for our troops? Anyone else confused? Now yes, there are some problems with the system but does anyone HONESTLY believe that our soldiers could get healthcare through a private company. I got denied coverage because of an arthroscopic knee operation (that took place months before I applied), that Altius considered “experimental” or some shit. Are you going to sit there and tell me that if I get denied because of a ROUTINE procedure, that our soldiers are going to be able to easily get healthcare in the private sector? I think not. Plus if they do manage to get a company to cover them, it would be at an insane premium because their jobs are high risk! But even then there is no guarantee that they will be 100% covered! If they have medical issues that cost $100,000 a year and they have to pay 10%, then those soldiers and their families are still stuck with a $10,000 bill. Are we willing to ask them to not only be willing to give their lives in defense of the country but to also go bankrupt due to medical bills? Not me folks!

In addition, lack of at least a government option, severely hurts the economy of this country. One of the biggest reasons that companies ship jobs overseas is because of the fact that healthcare is so expensive for them to pay here. By sending jobs to countries where healthcare is cheap or paid by the government, they save millions of dollars.

So, I have a simple challenge for everyone who is against government healthcare. Write to your government officials and demand that they cut ALL funding for Medicare, Medicade, and tell our soldiers that from now on they will be uninsured until they find a private company that will insure them. If your Senators, Representatives, and President won’t cut that funding, then vote them out of office. For those who see how needed government paid healthcare is, then write to the same government officials and tell them to get their asses in gear and pass healthcare reform!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how much Kool-Aid people are willing to swill on behalf of corporations and their interests?

    Isn't it amazing the utter crap people are willing to believe--even if that crap goes directly against their own best interests?

    The Blue Dogs holding up the necessary reform aren't Democrats: they're traitors, the lot of them. They are bought and sold by corporate interests. That they are winning is vile in the extreme to me.

    Once again, excellent post.
