Friday, July 10, 2009

Another sad attempt at "Immigration Reform"

Congressman Chaffetz is apparently going to cosponsor a bill that would mandate that at least one parent be an American citizen in order for a newborn, born in the U.S. to be given automatic citizenship. Please Congressman, allow me to burst your bubble and bring you back to terra firma.

First, I would like to remind you of a simple set of documents that are merely over 200 years old. The Constitution of the United States of America states that: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside,” Amendment 14, Section 1. As you can plainly read, Sir, the very bill you are cosponsoring is unequivocally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! It is unconstitutional now, it will be tomorrow, and, if for some dumb ass reason it passes, it will be unconstitutional if it passes.

People seem to forget the idea that basically every single U.S. citizen is a descendant of an “illegal immigrant” and that this country would not have the diversity it does if it wasn’t for immigrants (legal or not). I mean, as far as I know, none of the Native Americans said “sure you can settle here.” Our forefathers simply showed up and said “this is our land now, you savages need to take your shit and go.”

The longer this debate on “illegal immigration” goes on, the more asinine it becomes! I mean how pathetic is it that there is so much concern and fear about immigrants from Central and South America, and yet there isn’t a single word about the fact that Cuban’s who make it to U.S. soil are basically given citizenship. A person who gets into the U.S. by land is a “potential danger to National Security” and yet someone who crosses 90 miles of ocean is a saint? Give me a break!

I’m starting to think that this whole debate has been created to be nothing more than a scapegoat. Immigrants are new and different so lets blame their asses for ALL of our problems rather than point the fingers where they really belong. We have screwed ourselves, no one else is to blame! Its OUR fault that we refuse to work certain jobs because they “don’t pay enough”, the jobs are “below us”, or the work is simply too damn hard. We create the job market and appeal to immigrants to come simply because we are too lazy or egotistical. It’s not the immigrants fault. In fact, if it wasn’t for all these people willing, and THANKFUL, to take the shitty jobs we won’t, our entire society would be different.

Also this whole idea that an “unsecured boarder” could lead to another terrible terrorist attack is WAY overblown, if not out right total horse shit. Cite September 11 all you want but don’t waste your breath because most, if not all, of the hijackers got into the U.S. by legal means (they didn’t jump a boarder fence, swim across the ocean, etc). In fact I would argue that it’s far EASIER for an American citizen to be a terrorist than it is for an “illegal.” The 1995 bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, 1996 Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, Columbine HS, Virginia Tech, and many others were ALL the work of AMERICAN CITIZENS!

The 14th Amendment also states that: “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” By forcing “illegal immigrants” to hide and live in fear, we are ignoring the Constitution again. By living underground, these immigrants are often abused and taken advantage of because they don’t realize they have rights even though they aren’t citizens. They have the right to be treated fairly, paid fairly, safe work environments, and the same protection from law enforcement as normal citizens do.

I’ve bored you long enough so I will just say two things in closing. The first is that people such as Congressman Chaffetz need to seriously pull their heads from their asses and see the world as it really is. The second, and last thing, is that all of these elected officials truly need to read, reread, and reread the very documents that they have sworn to uphold and protect!

1 comment:

  1. Tom Tancredo lives on. It's sad. But I suppose the world has never had a shortage of such small men, and never will.

    I live just a few miles from the Mexican border, and I can tell you--and everybody here knows--that the American border cops are one scary, nasty, corrupt bunch of hombres. It's big, big, big business to make such a huge deal of immigration: under the table, I'm sure that Chaffetz is making a nice payday. It's like the drug war, or prison corporations, or HMOs: they're all profit centers on human misery and privation. Pathetic.

    Our long history is replete with countless examples of hatred toward immigrants. It's a telltale sign that this nation suffers from a terminal cancer of the spirit. I wish it weren't so, but I seem damn little evidence I'm wrong.

    Thanks for the excellent post.
