Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Governor Mark Sandford


Ok, I just want to say that this guy was just a plain dumb ass. If you are coming back from a trip to see your "mistress" and are trying to be sneaky about it, DON'T FLY INTO A PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT!

Also, if this guy was a Democrat, how much do you want to bet that he would have been forced to resign his position already, especially if he did use state funds to visit her. Republicans are the party of "morals" so as long as they apologize its all ok. But if a Democrat (the liberal far left, communist, god hating, blah blah blah) does it, then he/she must resign immediately and barred from all other offices. GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK! Personally, I don't give a damn about what people do in private and their private lives, but when you use tax money wrongly to make it happen, then we have a problem.

The thing that really kills me is that apparently an interview of christian voters was done, and they said they would be willing to vote for him again ONLY if him and his wife stay married...WTF! Are they seriously more concerned over the "institution of marriage" that they don't give a damn he abused tax dollars? Not to mention they fact that a person's marital status should have NO BEARING on whether or not they are elected to office! Give me a single elected who never cheats over a married one who is doing it constantly anyday.

Not to mention the fact that, especially lately, more Republicans have "mistresses" than the Democrats have. Yes, I know that Democrats have "mistresses" too but they aren't the ones who have "I'm a Republican the only people with morals" tatooed to their foreheads!

1 comment:

  1. Mistresses--or underaged boys. Or both.

    Sanford is a whackjob--just like his Party. I honestly feel that within the next few years they are going to try to pull a military coup a la Prescott Bush to get Obama out of office. Scary. But that's how fringe that Party has become.

    Thanks for the post.
