Thursday, August 20, 2009

What were they thinking?!

You know, just when I thought I couldn’t get more disgusted and more concerned about Blackwater and the government, it gets worse.

This story really pisses me off. WHAT THE HELL WERE OUR LEADERS THINKING! What dumb ass goes to a private company and says “Hey can you help us assassinate some of them there terrorists?” I mean seriously what the hell!? I’ve said it before and I will say it again, THIS COMPANY AND ALL THE ONES LIKE IT NEED TO BE TERMINATED! I am not comfortable AT ALL with the idea of a heavily and well armed militia getting government contracts! Hell these guys are probably better armed and have more personnel than some countries have for their armies!

This is another major story and I hope that it paves the way to the elimination of companies like Blackwater. By the way, I hope you all remember the debate a few months ago about the CIA and whether or not it ever deceived Congress:

“Panetta then informed the congressional intelligence committees about the program for the first time the next day.”

Hmmm……now I’m just going to hazard a guess here but if Congress was in the dark about these contracts, then wouldn’t that be the CIA lying to them? If I were the chairman on any of the intelligence committees, I would be demanding a FULL investigation. If the CIA has blatantly lied to Congress about this, then what other skeletons are buried in their closet? Let the “I do no recall that” bull shit begin…

1 comment:

  1. How close are we to totalitarianism? Blackwater gives a chilling clue.

    Thanks for the post.
