Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You get the government you work for


I find this most recent case of a Senator choosing not to seek reelection one of the more interesting ones. Senator Bayh claims that one of his main reasons for not seeking another term is because of the partisan gridlock that is the day to day operations of the U.S. Senate. To me, his actions do not quite fit with his reasons. If you feel the Senate gridlock is a problem, which we all know it is, then why would you decide to “retire”? Would it not be more prudent to seek reelection and try your damnedest to break the gridlock one person at a time? By stepping down doesn’t he risk ADDING to the gridlock by allowing a more partisan person the chance to gain his seat? I wish Sen. Bayh would realize that he could do more as a senator, than he could being a former senator. This move seems to be more for his own benefit than that of his constituents and the nation.

When did this country decide that it was more beneficial to hand the reigns of power to a bunch of extreme politicians and people on both sides of the aisle than it would be to have moderates run things? Was it when special interests, corporations, and unions started to bloat the campaign coughers of politicians? Was it when Gingrich and the Republicans in the 1990s decided to latch onto the religious extremists of their party to gain back power? Was it when the Democrats decided around the same time to rent or sell themselves to the highest bidder in order for them to compete with the Republicans? Regardless of when it started, it is only getting worse and worse. Today’s reincarnation is the “Tea Party” movement which is starting to make the Republican “revolution” of the 90s look like a centrist movement. The more political things get the less people decide to pay attention which, ironically, has led to more politicization. As hard as it may be people NEED to stay involved in the political process. We NEED to research the issues on our own (from MULTIPLE and DIFFERENT sources), and follow the votes of the people we elect into office. We get the government we work for, and if people are so tired about the way things are now, then we MUST get more involved to help changes things for the better. The extremes of both parties have shown what a dedicated MINORITY can do, but their voice would be drowned out by the moderate ones if only people would wake up and realize it. If there isn’t someone running for an office you agree with, then support the person who is closest to what you believe. Or simply find someone who is at the very least willing to listen and work with people they may not always agree with.

1 comment:

  1. The thing about moderates is ... they're moderate--including about things like getting involved. So you get inaction from them.

    Isn't it interesting how apathetic people are? This is easily the most profound period in human history--and everybody's yawning. I find it incredible.

    I very seriously doubt our good senator has been honest in any way. Then again, expecting honesty from a senator is insane behavior. Like my mom said, just keep your mouth shut and watch long enough, and the truth always comes to you. She was right.
