Tuesday, December 1, 2009



This isn’t “breaking news” but I was on vacation when I heard about it and want to comment about it.

First, this shows that NO ONE has learned from the mistakes of Vietnam. It could have been debated that we had learned earlier, but with this report shows for a fact that we have not. One of the big problems with Vietnam was the fact that high ranking (head of the DoD, heads of intel agencies, etc) officials were too obsessed with the numbers game and were too controlling of the commanders on the ground. Well, that is EXACTLY what this report says the Bush Admin did.

Now I know that hind sight is 20/20 and all that but what seems clear is that at the time, they were seeing with 20/30 vision. Bin Laden has been the SOLE goal of this whole war in Afghanistan and when we could have achieved that goal, Rummy and Cheney decided it was better not to act rather than jeopardize their precious “risk-averse, 'light footprint' model” of war. How much more could they possibly have had their heads up their asses? Did they honestly want him to escape so the war would keep going, or did they simply not have the balls to make the call?

They KNEW he was at Tora Bora, they have evidence that he WAS there before they attacked, so how the hell could they just decide to let him walk out the back fucking door?! Can you imagine what would have happened in WWII if we had left Hitler a wide open escape route into another country or region (Middle East, Asia, etc)? Wars can be, and are, won and lost by a single decision, and I believe that this was our single decision. If Rummy and Franks had given the troops the resources they needed AT THAT MOMENT, this war could have been OVER. Now, because of those dumb asses, not only are we stuck in Afghanistan, but now Pakistan (who just happens to have nuclear weapons) is in a perilous position and we are stuck trying to keep that country from falling.

Now I know I wasn’t in the room when this decision was made, but when you have a chance to nail your ultimate goal and you don’t even TRY, there is something wrong with that. Sure you might have had more casualties than you would like, but IT WOULD BE FAR LESS THAN THE CASUALITIES AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF WAR!

Join the Republican Party: Hard on terror until we get the chance to win then we look the other way until the target escapes.

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