Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cantor grow up!

Representative Cantor….can you really be serious? Explain to me, Sir, how you think the health care debate is acting as a “roadblock to Congress” when it is currently only being debated in CERTAIN committees. I would hope that you realize, especially since you are a member of the U.S. Congress, that MOST of the committees in both the House and Senate are debating issues OTHER THAN health care reform. Or are you in fact acknowledging that a middle or high school student knows more about how government functions than a 5 term Republican Congressman? Whether you are simply acting like an idiot, or are indeed one, I have to wonder how in the hell you got voted into office in the first place. If you, SIR, think the health care debate is so asinine and so dominating then why don’t you DO something about it? Go skip back to the committees and subcommittees that you are on and try and make what you are discussing meaningful. Of course in order to do this you would have to ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION AND NOT PLAY AROUND ON YOUR BLACKBERRY! If it is such a distraction then I’m more than willing to shove it up your ass for you, and at the same time try to pull your head out of it. At the VERY least, please go read a book about how the legislative process works, or if that is too difficult might I suggest you watch the Schoolhouse Rock video of how bills become law.

1 comment:

  1. Obama needs to stop his bipartisanship. It's actually destroying his presidency.

    Cantor is an ass.
