Friday, May 22, 2009

Abandoning religion

So I had a few friends at work ask me why I chose to be agnostic even though I was raised in a semireligious house. This was my response to them and figured I would post it for everyone else who wanted to know. I tried to make this easy to follow lol. This is mostly just the big reasons I chose to abandon religion and become agnostic.

Every religion is FULL of contradictions. For example, how is it that god can have so many human emotions, such as jealousy (one commandment states "have no other god before me" which I interpret as jealousy) and yet some of the very same emotions are "sinful" for humans to have? God can act human but humans can't act human? Makes no sense. Also how can god "love everyone" and yet turn around and condemn them to "hell" for "sinning"? Any parent (god is considered a parent in religion) worth an ounce would NEVER be able to condemn his/her child to pain and suffering. The bible also talks about stoning people who commit adultery, mostly women, and yet by supposedly impregnating Mary (a married woman) god is committing adultery AND rape since Mary was never asked by it. Not to mention if god is so apt at creating life then why does it need to use a human to have a supposed son? God can create life but not without a human? Or why is it "required" that we all have bunches of babies and yet god can't seem to have more than one? So wouldn't it reason that god should in turn be stoned, or punished in some way, as well?

Also with contradictions. How can religions claim to be tolerant of everyone and opposing views and yet turn around and try and convert people? The very act of trying to convert someone is an act of intolerance, because by telling people to convert to this religion or that religion, you are in effect telling those people that EVERYTHING that have believed in up to that point is wrong and they won't be "saved" unless they change their views. If religions truly were tolerant then they would never send missionaries and try to convert others.

Another big reason, is that religion has its hands soaked in blood of innocent people. From the Crusades and the Inquisition to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, religions have been constantly fighting each other. How can a religion be pure and the followers of god when their hands are soaked in blood because they all think they are the one "true" religion. We are all supposed to love one another and yet if someone is the wrong religion that opposes us then we must destroy said "infidel"? Please.. To me if any god exists then it would be more impressed with the people who weren't religious because of all the war and bloodshed caused by religion killing in god's name.

Religions also DETEST people who question them. Questioning your religion seems to be the same as "sinning" to most religions. Any organization, religion, or whatever that refuses to be questioned by others and by its members is not worth belonging to in my mind. Questioning is part of life and there is nothing wrong with "I don't know answers" and yet religions refuse to say that. They would rather people be mindless and follow their religion with no ifs, ands, or buts rather than actually fully use their minds. If we are made by a god, then it would fit that we were given a brain to fully use and be independent thinkers, rather than mindless followers who never question.

Thats pretty much the biggest points as to why I'm agnostic. There are some others but they kinda fit into what I have already said. I figure if there is some sort of god that seems to have tons of time to watch every little move we make and made us all, then it can't complain and condemn me for who I am and what I think.

1 comment:

  1. Good reasons, all. From where you're writing, I imagine you have all sorts of people looking at cross-wise. (Pardon the pun.)

    Hope this finds you well today ...
