Monday, March 2, 2009

Well what do ya know

Guess what fellow Utahns, we are the nation's leading state for online porn subscriptions! Wait though...I thought it destroyed society if even a tiny bit of skin was shown and yet there isn't a smoldering crater where Utah now sits is there?

Once again I say this: HIDING SOMETHING DOES NOT MAKE IT GO AWAY! Utah is so antisex (esp premarital) its not funny and yet low and behold people do it anyways and watch other people do it too. Funny how saying how bad something is night in and night out leads to Utah having this unique distinction.

If people want to do something they are going to do it whether its hidden or not. The only difference is by hiding it people are more likely to do something irresponsibly because for some reason hiding rules this state and not PROPER education on responsibility should you decide to do something, be it alcohol, sex, or whatever.

So please Utah and every other paranoid state, GROW UP!


  1. Very unlikely that it'll ever happen. People don't want to grow up, my friend. They want to be told what to do, when to do it, and how. Then they punish--sometimes severely--those who do grow up.

    I saw this article days ago, and had to laugh. I thought of you, and hoped you would blog about it. I'm glad you did.


  2. Thats very true. Yeah, this was just one of those things that screamed "blog me" lol
