Saturday, December 6, 2008

Can we have an early inauguration?

Once again, the lame duck that is President Bush has repealed a law that should not have been repealed...

The President has decided to eliminate the rule that bans all firearms in national parks. People who have conceal/carry permits for firearms can now legally take them, loaded, into any national park as long as the state that the park is in has no law banning them, which is all but two. This is just ASKING for trouble in my mind.

First off, why in the hell do you need, or even feel the need, to have a firearm in a national park in the first place??? If you feel THAT unsafe, then go lock yourself in your basement and keep to yourself. I can already see that one day some idiot is going to get pissed off at someone else for something stupid, pull out his gun, and thats all she wrote. It also opens the door for people to go "Oh, I like that bird" or whatever "I'm going to shoot it and mount it on my wall at home."

Orin Hatch was quoted in the Trib article saying that he believe that the second amendment should not stop at national park boundaries. Well Senator Hatch guess what, if you think that then you are implying that ALL of the monuments AND buildings in Washington, DC that fall under the park service should have the change in law apply to them as well. Which would make security pointless.

Look, I have no problem with people owning guns BUT I don't think they need to be carried EVERYWHERE by who ever wants to. Or that people should be allowed to have assault weapons like an AK-47. If EVERYONE was 100% responsible with their guns then I would say get rid of all gun laws, but since they aren't we need these type of laws to prevent people from being stupid.

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