Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Farse of Federal Pay

Ok it is time that Republicans STOP with this “federal employees get so much more than private sector employees” bull shit. The rank and file federal employee makes as much or LESS than people in the private sector.

In the story below, the report cited in it claims that 77,000 people make more money as federal employees than the governors of the states in which they live. 77,000 out of about 2 million, which equals an earth shattering 3.85% federal employees. They are seriously trying to make a case that 77,000 people are budget busters?!

If the Republicans want to cut federal pay SO badly, then they need to start with themselves. They need to now wait 6 months before receiving any benefits when they first get their jobs as Reps or Senators (as us lowly employees do). They must pay into their own TSP with a maximum 10% agency match (like we do) and only have their TSP and Social Security as their government provided retirement (any new employee in the last 20 years or so doesn’t get any type of pension). They also have to have their starting pay reduced to $40,000 and have ALL their “expense accounts” terminated. No more jets, drivers, etc. Also, and I know I’m gonna get hell for this but it’s true, if they are truly serious about reducing federal employees’ pay and benefits then they need to start downsizing the military. Now let me be clear, I think the military is actually UNDER paid but I’m not the one demanding cuts. When you consider the costs of training, moving, normal salary, health care, equipment (buying and maintaining), etc. the military is by far the most expensive group of government employees.

Here is a thought, how about they, and the Democrats, stop acting like 2 year olds and actually THINK!

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